Why is it worth leading a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle has become popular and even fashionable today. Many people would like to lead it, but do not know how to do it, despite the fact that we receive a lot of information on this subject in the media every day. Various specialists tell us how to live, but they often take contradictory positions and it is difficult for us to assess who is right and who we can trust. They offer us various pro-health activities, e.g. slimming diets based on supposedly healthy products (so-called supplements), which – as it turns out later – can only have a very small impact on our health, and the main goal is to sell them at all costs.

We must realize that we currently live in a capitalist world, which – in short – is based on money. Thanks to this, we have a very rich consumer market – which pleases us all – but the omnipresent fight for money leads to many distortions and abuses that affect our health and life.

Large industrial corporations, which have huge amounts of money, dishonestly defend their interests and do not allow the truth about unhealthy products they produce to be revealed. They distort scientific research, create myths about health just to sell as many of their products as possible. They also influence the governments in many countries, which in a sense support them – for their own benefit or for the benefit of the state budget. Therefore, they block pro-health laws that prohibit or limit the consumption of unhealthy products.

Some doctors use their medical practice as a way to make a quick buck, and not as a mission to help sick people. They prescribe various medications, tell us to undergo expensive tests, refer us for surgeries that do not cure, and sometimes even maim our bodies, just because they gain financially from it. The pharmaceutical industry bombards us with advertisements for medications that very often turn out to be ineffective. The problem is not only the loss of money, but mainly that the person taking such medications feels that they are being treated and stops taking appropriate actions in this direction.

Unfortunately, there are more such negative examples. Doctors and the pharmaceutical market, the so-called disease industry, make money on us being sick.

How can we defend ourselves against this?

We need to take matters into our own hands and not count on expensive drugs and expensive medical procedures to ensure our health. The best defense is to make changes to our lifestyle by introducing the principles of a healthy lifestyle, consistent with our own philosophy of life. We will achieve this by constantly raising awareness of our health and life (e.g. self-education, participation in training, joining groups with the same problems). Thanks to this, we will more quickly understand and start to apply the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which will protect us from the need to visit a doctor or shop at a pharmacy. We will then visit doctors periodically, only during preventive examinations.

In our Wellness Health Academy (FWHA) (dieticians, psychologists, fitness instructors), we have developed a special program of changes, taking into account proper, healthy nutrition and appropriate physical activity. The program also takes into account the impact of the psyche and coping with stress. We interpret the philosophy of wellness in a clear and transparent way. We also conduct courses, trainings, advice and lectures on a healthy lifestyle.

We have created a new profession of a Wellness Personal Health Trainer, who is a nutritional and psychological advisor, a physical activity instructor, a wellness expert and knows coaching methods.

We teach all these competences through online courses on our e-learning platform and stationary trainings. Schools and universities that want to create a new field of study are also interested in teaching this profession.

Answering the question in the title in one sentence (Why is it worth leading a healthy lifestyle?) – it is definitely worth it in order to become independent from the „disease industry” and become a client of the „health industry” that is Wellness, which allows us to treat disease states, prevent chronic diseases – not with medications, but with lifestyle changes, which can significantly prolong a healthy life.