Andrew Matuszewski

Wellness Health Mentor – Wellness health personal trainer / wellness expert, nutrition counselor, psychological counselor, wellness physical recreation instructor/.

Author of the book “Wellness healthy lifestyle” and healthy lifestyle training books.

President of the Foundation’s board of directors.

I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the foundation of which I am the founder and benefactor.

All my life I have been an independent entrepreneur, businessman, who designed, created and managed several of my own enterprises. I have cooperated with and employed people from all walks of life, which allowed me to gain vast life experience. I went through a long, good school of life. I can say – my own Academy of Life. Like most young and middle-aged people, I did not think about my health. I thought I was feeling well, but in fact what helped me feel like that, were coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. Incorrect diet and lack of physical activity changed my body.
All this led to health problems that arose when I was 48 years old. It was so-called midlife crisis, which in my case manifested itself in a major mental and physical breakdown, mainly due to the wrong lifestyle, and consequently led to internal changes and changes around me. I was very depressed and even thought about leaving this world for good. However, during the rehabilitation that I was undergoing at the time, I met people dealing with fitness and wellness who „pulled” me into another, new lifestyle – wellness style. I began to learn and then study the wellness philosophy, a big part of which is formed by a healthy way of life. Through daily but light exercises, diet which changed my previous nutritional habits, and work on my strained psyche, I regained health and well-being – but without the help of stimulants and bad habits. All this did not require great sacrifices or large financial resources from me. It required only faith and consistency in what I was doing.
I successfully returned to my business that I focused on promoting a healthy lifestyle. My recent challenge is the Foundation and Academy of Wellness Health that I founded in 2012, through which I share my knowledge and experience with others. Today, thanks to the idea of wellness, I am a young man. I have a different physique, a different mentality, I feel much younger than my peers and with the feeling of this youth I want to live to be 120 years old – because it really is possible.
I intend to devote all my future to promoting the idea contained in the wellness philosophy which once helped me so much and today can help many other people. I would like to pass on my many years of experience and knowledge acquired at my Academy of Life to others in the form of wellness mentoring. One of the forms of such communication is the Foundation and Florida Wellness Health Academy, founded by me, thanks to which I could create and publish for you a series of books and online courses educating in the field of wellness health.

Andrew Matuszewski
Mentor of life