Chronic Diseases

Scientists say that our body, i.e. all our organs, can live to be 120 years old. There is agreement between medical knowledge and the Bible regarding the possibility of reaching such an age. So why do we live much shorter?

The answer is simple: It is mainly due to the fact that we lead an unhealthy lifestyle, which is the cause of over half of early deaths.

What mainly affects the length of our life?

According to scientists, the length of our life is influenced by: medicine and healthcare (approx. 10%), genetic conditions (approx. 15%), environment (approx. 20%), lifestyle (approx. 55%).

The main cause of early deaths in today’s society is no longer infectious diseases, as it was in the 20th century, but chronic diseases resulting from lifestyle. The most important of them include: diabesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, strokes, which are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, so changing this lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease.

I will devote a moment to discussing the above-mentioned diabesity.


Many people probably have not heard of it yet – in Poland it is not even diagnosed by doctors as a disease, and it already occurs in the form of a global epidemic (the so-called pandemic).

In our country, it is called pre-diabetes or insulin resistance and is described as something „pre-disease”, recommending observation and performing periodic tests for monitoring.

This condition precedes the appearance of type 2 diabetes for many years. Unfortunately, most patients and doctors ignore it, and it is just as dangerous as type 2 diabetes. It differs only in the degree of development and in the fact that we do not exceed the permissible concentration of glucose in the blood.

Most people who are overweight, have high triglyceride levels, low HDL cholesterol levels and high blood pressure have diabesity without even knowing it. They are at risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes, thrombosis, and cancer. They have an increased risk of heart attack and premature death.

Diabesity is a primary disease. This means that it is the cause and basis for the development of many other diseases. Diabesity is also a major threat because it is not diagnosed by doctors as a disease, but only as a „pre-disease condition”, it is ignored, which greatly facilitates the development of other chronic diseases. Therefore, we can safely say that this hidden diabetes is one of the main causes of the development of chronic diseases and reduced life expectancy.

Often when asking about the cause of death, we hear that it was, for example, a heart attack, stroke or cancer, but to be more precise, in most cases it was the ongoing state of diabesity that caused this disease and that was the main cause of death.

In turn, this condition was caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, especially by sugar consumption, which usually begins innocently with a small sweet bar, candy or cookie, and consequently leads to addiction.